Rating: 5
FNF: His Mod v3 (VS Asriel) Game

FNF: His Mod v3 (VS Asriel) · Free Game · Play Online

Rating: 4.6 · Your rating: n/a · Total votes: 196

FNF: His Mod (VS Asriel) is a full-week Friday Night Funkin' mod that follows the story of Asriel Dreemurr (aka Flowey), one of the key characters of Toby Fox's role-playing game Undertale.

Made by Moloki (Director, Coder, Charter, Composer, Flowey Sprite, UI), AboAlrok (Week 3 Asriel and Chara Sprites, Week 1 BG, Animated BF Piano), Elemenopee (Week 2 and 3 BGs and Thumbnails), Jason The Art Kid (Ghost GF Sprite), Joey Animations:) (Week 1 Asriel Aprite, Week 2 BF Animator, Fixed Him), j0nnytest (Week 1 Asriel Lip Sync), PopTevin (UI Background Art), Kep (Animator), MarquisArtuis (Blade of Grass), stooph (Blindy Sprite Maker), charliette/Sayrn (BF Piano Sprite Maker), Faith (Echo Flower Animator), Savestate Corrupted (Composed Asriel, Hope, Undertale, Long Ago and Week 2 Songs), Jospi (Composed Howdy and Clevetale, Charted Justice Expelled and Clevetale), Seberster (Composed Dream), TheOnlyVolume (Composed Expelled), Melakira (Composed Fading and Rush), RushFox (Coding), ManibyJelly (Coding Help), meekly (Coding Help, Clevetale Sprite), Scooterz (Coolman), Mr Nightmare (Chara VA), Wither (Asriel VA), Cval (Cool Guy, Beta Tester), BlindyTheHuman (Blindy Owner) and Toby fox (Creator of Undertale).

⚠️ [Last updated on ]
✅ Fixed the song Echoes

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FNF: His Mod v3 (VS Asriel) //
  1. 2D
  2. 2022 📆
  3. 2023 📆
  4. Arcade 🏃
  5. Cool 😎
  6. FNF (Friday Night Funkin') 🎵
  7. FNF Undertale
  8. For Boys 👦
  9. For Girls 👧
  10. Fullscreen 📺
  11. HTML5
  12. Keyboard Only 💻
  13. Music 🎵
  14. Rhythm

FNF: His Mod v3 (VS Asriel) · Video

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