FNF VS Sonic.XER is a work-in-progress Friday Night Funkin' mod that introduces yet another creepypasta clone of Sonic into the world of FNF. Go face to face against Sonic.XER in this one-song demo and stay tuned for possible updates in the future.
Made by Jose.EXE (Owner, Artist, Main Director), Nex/Zee (Director, Chromatic Maker), N4M3 (Director/Lead Composer), MiraCatsy (Composer), Crudmaster (Artist), Raenablaize626 (Artist), TBV_YT (Charter, Main Coder), Boot Mighty (Pixel Artist), Loony Toon (Charter), Bee84000 (Artist), Lord (Artist), The Nerd (Artist), Nexus (Composer), Sl4sh3r (Charter), HyperDream (Artist), SLXSwiftyZzz (Voice Actor), Vinizitooo (Artist), Satan but worst (Artist, Composer), Cretadious (Composer), zRose (Artist, Voice Acter), Sonary (Artist), NICHOLAS NICKY (Voice Actor), Goods Team (Animator), TM TM (Animator), Drip (Artist), CrackerSnaps (Artist), Becca.XD (Animator), TeaJay (Artist), kimoto (Artist), SMV5 (Animator/Coder), OtherWorldly (Artist), ShipSomeone (Artist/Animator), Cold (Composer), MintyDaBoi (Charter) and Cloud. (Ex-Director, Ex-Lead Artist).