FNF VS Cartoon Cat (Friday Night Funkin') is a story-driven FNF mod named after the fictional feline creature created by Canadian horror artist Trevor Henderson. Reminiscent of the 1930s animated characters, the dreadful Cartoon Cat, who lives in an abandoned mall, receives a surprise visit from Boyfriend and Girlfriend lured into the mall by Lemon Demon. How will that work out for all of them? Tune in and watch the story unfold!
Director: KenethYT | Artists: AshyTown, Vb, ThatOne_Kid, TheKiroGamer, Wolf The Knight, Kevenkaioo, TheodorePOG | Coders: Astr0verload, ubacio | Musicians: FRANDERMAN123, YT_GDDeiontreMore | Charters: sirj455, VPPR | | Voice Actors: Ovron, BoBBy, AshyTown | Contributors: Silly Content, LadMcLad, Trollge Enjoyer, LeNinethGames