Rating: 5

FNF: DJX · Free Game · Play Online

Rating: 4.6 · Your rating: n/a · Total votes: 86

FNF: DJX is yet another underrated Friday Night Funkin' mod, with the word "banger" being the best one to describe its music. Buckle up and get ready for a series of 5-key rap battles against both familiar and new characters.

Made by valengarfy (Director, Artist, Animator), Pyschocat (Director, Artist), Klade250 (Co-Director, Programmer), blueby87 (Musician), Sprunkle (Musician), BRN101 (Programmer), KoichiM4 (Musician, Charter), Murasaki_ (Programmer), kimakurus music (Musician), keaton_the_weird_1 (Musician), Vivaderus (Charter), Moody (Artist), AmaliFox (Artist), StarRoad (Artist), DAN! (Artist), Kay / M4_tzu (Artist), iseta (Artist), Teethlust (BG Artist), EsoMarx (Artist), theDomGom (Artist), Monaka (Artist), Fore (Animator), BiggieDoodle (Animator, X VA), VapurrwaveFoxxo (Judith VA), poodlepierreVA (Grayson VA), Jen_pen_ (Valentino VA) and GenoX.

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  1. 2D
  2. 2022 📆
  3. Arcade 🏃
  4. Cool 😎
  5. FNF (Friday Night Funkin') 🎵
  6. For Boys 👦
  7. For Girls 👧
  8. Fullscreen 📺
  9. HTML5
  10. Keyboard Only 💻
  11. Music 🎵
  12. Rhythm

FNF: DJX · Video

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