Rating: 5
FNF x BFDI: Yoylecake Central v2 Game

FNF x BFDI: Yoylecake Central v2 · Free Game · Play Online

Rating: 4.8 · Your rating: n/a · Total votes: 105

FNF x BFDI: Yoylecake Central v2 is a multi-week Friday Night Funkin' mod inspired by the long-running web series Battle for Dream Island, where a bunch of anthropomorphic objects compete against each other for the chance to own a luxurious island. Rap against the four BFDI finalists in three Weeks, featuring a total of 32 songs to play.

Made by Bryin64 (Lead Director, Artist), mationsBOMB (Director, Artist, Composer (Title Screen)), EthanAwoke (Co Director, Artist, Chromatic Maker, Concept Maker), SebotaYT (Artist), jelly! (Artist), Greeny109 (Artist, Composer, Coder, Charter, Chromatic Maker, Playtester), The_Gabi (Artist, Composer, Coder), CrispyNugget (Artist, Composer), Super Bendy Gamer (Artist, Coder, Charter, Concept Maker, Playtester), LadVolt (Artist, Composer, Coder, Charter), Patzi (Artist, Chromatic Maker), Goldie Animations (Artist), Toppz (Minor Artist, Composer, Minor Composer), Skrello (Artist), CA8H 15 (Artist), srDoret (Composer), JustAnotherSaltyGirl (Composer, Playtester), DangerBites (Composer, Coder, Chromatic Maker), AndrewFella (Composer), Caster (Composer, Charter), LukaSpatula (Composer, Chromatic Maker), CloudySkyes (Coder), CraftedPin (Semi-Coder, Charter), Haynster (Semi-Coder), GalaxyBeam (Charter), Dragonmon Official (Charter), Maxxx (Concept Maker), Bookeymations (Playtester), RamenDominoes (Cinematics Event), Saltyboii (Arrow Swap Event), ItzDefaltBoy (Change Icon Event), ADA__ (Set Camera Zoom Event), bbpanzu (Kaboom Event) and twizinho (Camera Switch Event).

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FNF x BFDI: Yoylecake Central v2 //
  1. 2D
  2. 2023 📆
  3. Arcade 🏃
  4. FNF (Friday Night Funkin') 🎵
  5. For Boys 👦
  6. For Girls 👧
  7. Fullscreen 📺
  8. Funny 😆
  9. HTML5
  10. Keyboard Only 💻
  11. Music 🎵
  12. Rhythm

FNF x BFDI: Yoylecake Central v2 · Video

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