Rating: 5
FNF: Hypno's Lullaby v2 (Psych Engine) Game

FNF: Hypno's Lullaby v2 (Psych Engine) · Free Game · Play Online

Rating: 4.4 · Your rating: n/a · Total votes: 1714

FNF: Hypno's Lullaby is a premium-quality Friday Night Funkin' mod inspired by the realm of Creepypasta. Join Girlfriend as she goes out looking for Boyfriend, who is missing late at night, and encounter some of the most horrific Creepypasta monsters.

Made by Banbuds (Director, Artist, Animator, Voice Acting), TheInnuendo (Musician, Sound Designer), ScorchVx (Lead Artist, Concept Artist), Yoshubs (Lead Programmer), Uncle Jeol (Artist, Animator, Pixel Artist), Sector03 (Programmer), Popcorn Colonel (Artist, Programmer), Adam McHummus (Composer), Punkett (Musician), River (Artist, Animator, Musician), Saster (Musician), SimplyCrispy (Musician), Rea (Artist, Animator), typic (Artist, Animator), BAnims (Artist, Animator, Pixel Artist), GARBIE PATTIE (Artist, Animator), HenryRa (Artist), Adrix (Artist), VaChildish (Misc), Wooked (Artist, Animator), Xooplord (Artist), Zekuta (Artist, Animator), Mr Nol (Musician, Sound Design, Chromatics), Kyoto (Artist, Animator), Marco Antonio (Artist, Animator), JoeDoughBoi (Designer), KadeDeveloper (Misc), Jacaris (Composer, Voice Actor), gibz679 (Charter), niffirg (Charter), Razencro (Video Editor), ash237 (Programmer), Nimbus Cumulus (Composer), Fidy50 (Charter) and BonesTheSkelebunny01 (Artist).

⚠️ [Last updated on ]
✅ Added Death Toll, Dissension, Insomnia, Purin, Shinto, and Shitno. Fixed some bugs

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FNF: Hypno's Lullaby v2 (Psych Engine) //
  1. 2D
  2. 2021 📆
  3. 2022 📆
  4. Arcade 🏃
  5. Challenging 😖
  6. FNF (Friday Night Funkin') 🎵
  7. For Boys 👦
  8. For Girls 👧
  9. Fullscreen 📺
  10. Girlfriend (GF) 👩‍🦰
  11. HTML5
  12. Horror 😱
  13. Keyboard Only 💻
  14. Monster 👹
  15. Music 🎵
  16. Rhythm
  17. Scary 😱

FNF: Hypno's Lullaby v2 (Psych Engine) · Video

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