Rating: 5
FNF: B-Sides Rebooted Game

FNF: B-Sides Rebooted · Free Game · Play Online

Rating: 4.6 · Your rating: n/a · Total votes: 36

FNF: B-Sides Rebooted is a work-in-progress remaster of last year's Friday Night Funkin' mod B-Sides, with new remixes, new sprites, a brand new Freeplay song, and more new content yet to come.

Made by Rozebud (Original B-Sides), JADS (Original B-Sides), Cval (Original B-Sides), YaS_ (Director, Coder, Artist, Composer), FFV (Original Idea), Hirvhin2 (Main Coder), Klade250 (Extra Coder), .ROYAL. (Extra Coder), Propsnax (Composer), Ragnaroswar (Composer), Demonstep! (Composer), LuckyRabbit! (Composer), Saeko (Artist), Riley (Artist), Liu (Artist), Nyeo (Artist), DToons (Artist), MR.TV (Artist), Donuttt (Artist), Zushiman (Artist), Pandemic zero (Art Concepts), dkloudz._. (Art Concepts), Redblurr26 (Artist), Fim (Main Charter), Redblurr26 (Charter), mat230 (Charter), JoltGanda (Event Coder), RamenDominoes (Event Coder), ImaginationSuperHero52806 (Event Coder) and JasonTheOne111 (Event Coder).

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FNF: B-Sides Rebooted //
  1. 2D
  2. 2022 📆
  3. Arcade 🏃
  4. Cool 😎
  5. FNF (Friday Night Funkin') 🎵
  6. For Boys 👦
  7. For Girls 👧
  8. Fullscreen 📺
  9. HTML5
  10. Keyboard Only 💻
  11. Music 🎵
  12. Rhythm

FNF: B-Sides Rebooted · Video

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