FNF: Black Market is a one-shot mod for Friday Night Funkin' inspired by FNF: Analog Funkin', featuring one of its characters as Boyfriend's opponent.
Made by Hype Logy. (Director, Coder), InterludeToast, Puritzel (Animator), Grunt (Animator), MisterlyCistent (Artist), usb_port_2 (Shader), DeathWishFNF (Credits), Xarion (Charter), VaporTheCube (VA), VioletomoriTubby (Noteskin Artist), Facdela (Composer), HazeyPurple (Artist), AweSamdudeVR (Sprite Artist), TackSFM (Owner of Analog Funkin), Chase Redding (Co-Owner of Analog Funkin), uniiii (Healthbar) and DeathWishFNF (Owner of ????).