Rating: 5
FNF VS Sonic.EXE 2.5 / 3.0 / 4.0 / Restored + Final Escape Game

FNF VS Sonic.EXE 2.5 / 3.0 / 4.0 / Restored + Final Escape · Free Game · Play Online

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FNF VS Sonic.EXE (Friday Night Funkin') is a premium-quality jumpscare-riddled mod based on the music rhythm game Friday Night Funkin' (FNF). Enter the realm of sheer horror and prepare to face off against the creepypasta version of Sonic the Hedgehog.

August 15, 2022 // Updated to the latest version packed with 59 songs, touch controls and the [Super Potato Sprites] option

Made by RightBurstUltra (Director, Artist), MarStarBro (Composer), Comgaming_Nz (Artist), Razencro (Animator, Video Editor, Programmer, Charter, Artist), Zekuta (Artist, Animator), CryBit (Main Programming), Vania (Composer), UpTaunt (Composer), Stankfield (Animator, Artist), Madzilla (Charting, Vocals), Echolocated (Charting), JoeDoughBoi (Artist, Animator), KubiCorg (Animator), Erick Animations (Artist), ScorchVx (Artist), Rea (Artist, Animator), Arthur/ADJ (Artist), Ash (Coder), GhostBunBun (Artist, Animator), Squeak (Composer), Jamangar (Composer), Punkett (Composer, Charter), Jacaris (Composer), blueberry (Artist), Razencro (Programming/Animator/Video Editor), Elie (Charter), Uptaunt (Composer of Sunky), Aleonepic (Artist [Final Escape]), RealReal (Programmer, Charter [Final Escape]), Wilde (Charter [Final Escape]), PurpleKav (Voices [Final Escape]), SrPablo (Extended Instrumental [Final Escape]), Razalzy (Scripting [Final Escape]) and Gavman22 (Scripting [Final Escape]).

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FNF VS Sonic.EXE 2.5 / 3.0 / 4.0 / Restored + Final Escape //
  1. 2D
  2. 2021 📆
  3. 2022 📆
  4. Arcade 🏃
  5. FNF (Friday Night Funkin') 🎵
  6. For Boys 👦
  7. For Girls 👧
  8. Fullscreen 📺
  9. HTML5
  10. Horror 😱
  11. Keyboard Only 💻
  12. Music 🎵
  13. Rhythm
  14. Scary 😱
  15. Sonic
  16. Sonic Exe 🦔

FNF VS Sonic.EXE 2.5 / 3.0 / 4.0 / Restored + Final Escape · Video

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