FNF: Saster VS Hypno's Lullaby is a well-crafted joke mod that pays tribute to one of the composers of Hypno's Lullaby, Saster. Play as Saster himself and meet some familiar characters in a series of intense rap battles with a deliberate lack of color.
Made by RazzyIsNowHere (Director), RexDoesStuff (Artist, Animator, OG Comic Artist), Infry (Artist, Animator), spocter (Artist, Animator, BG Art), NightMare XQ (Charter), exmor (Charter), gib (Coder), Robotic_Developer (Coding Help, Modcharter), CosmoCreates (Composer), phantasmuh (Artist, Composer, Voice of Shitster), __Hawk (Artist, Animator) and Saster (Saster).