Rating: 5
The Suicide Cult Game

The Suicide Cult · Free Game · Play Online

Rating: 4.4 · Your rating: n/a · Total votes: 23

The Suicide Cult is a puzzle game that has you joining a cult and taking part in a weird suicidal ritual during which the members of the cult shoot each other in a specific order. Your goal is to survive the ritual. What you know is, the members of the cult take turns in a clockwise direction and it's always Number 1 who makes the first turn.

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The Suicide Cult //
  1. 2D
  2. For 16+ year olds
  3. For Boys 👦
  4. For Girls 👧
  5. Fullscreen 📺
  6. HTML5
  7. Human 🧑
  8. Logic 💡
  9. Mouse Only 🐁
  10. Puzzle 💡
  11. Regular 😐
  12. Shooting 🎯
  13. Weapon 💣
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