Rating: 5
ScrapLegs Game

ScrapLegs · Free Game · Play Online

Rating: 4.5 · Your rating: n/a · Total votes: 10

ScrapLegs is a puzzle-platform game where you assist an AI in rebooting its central computer. Your trusty companions are small robots with legs so fragile that a wrong move can leave them crawling, making each jump and landing critical as you aim to collect optional batteries and reach the PC on each level. Made by Kvictor.

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ScrapLegs //
  1. 2D
  2. 2023 📆
  3. Arcade 🏃
  4. For Boys 👦
  5. For Girls 👧
  6. Fullscreen 📺
  7. Keyboard Only 💻
  8. Pixelated 👾
  9. Platformer
  10. Puzzle 💡
  11. Robot 🤖
  12. Unity
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