FNF: Five Night in Funkin 3 is a work-in-progress mod for Friday Night Funkin' based on Five Nights at Freddy's, featuring Freddy, Mangle and Springtrap in a nightmare of rap battles against Boyfriend.
Made by saxe (Director, Composer, Main Coder, Charter, Chromatic Maker), MauryKong (Director, 3D Artist, Sprites 3D), UnRicoChoripan (Secondary Coder), Ian elix (2D Artist/Sprites.png/Voice of Ballon Boy), Racoon j.m (Freddy Voice Actor), Widou (Town Sprite Concept, Mangle Icon, Beta Tester), Ryoku05 (Charter of Cursed Instinct), PhyPsi15 (Charter of Killer Attraction) and Unpibe (Beta Tester).